Cyberpunk 2077 Overdrive Mode is the new Crysis
Nvidia recently released a first demonstration video of Cyberpunk 2077's Overdrive Mode, a painstaking and technically impressive work. However, the first performance previews are starting to spread and they are not at all encouraging, especially in mode without DLSS.
Our colleagues at geekinco America tried the game without taking advantage of Deep Learning Super Sampling with an RTX 4090 which is currently the best that can be found on the market as regards video cards. Well, the test has shown that Cyberpunk 2077 in Overdrive Mode does not go beyond 16 FPS on average, in a nutshell without DLSS 3.0 it is impossible to play it with any video card on the market.
--> Obviously it's fair to clarify one thing: Overdrive Mode is much more than a graphics mode, as it replaces ray tracing with a unified path tracing that practically makes the game something completely different visually (and without a doubt the best graphic/videogame product that you will see on a screen today). To explain it simply: every single light source is simulated to generate lights, shadows and reflections that are as realistic as possible.
Just to put the dots on the i and let you understand that Overdrive Mode is “huge” too, just consider that this mode requires 635 rays per pixel, Battlefield V only required 39 rays per pixel. From here we understand two things. The first is the giant leaps made in the ray tracing field and secondly the reason for such a huge hardware demand. If you want to try a completely path tracing game, our advice is to test Portal RTX, at least to get a clearer idea of the possibilities offered by this mode.
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