NoName: the pro-Russian collective attacks (again) Italian government sites

NoName: the pro-Russian collective attacks (again) Italian government sites


The Italian government still in the crosshairs of cybercriminals. This time the pro-Russian collective NoName hit the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies , and that of the Superior Council of the Judiciary , which at the moment is still reachable with some difficulty. The cybercriminals themselves claimed the attack, who shared a rather worrying message on their Telegram channel. “ We decided to visit our old Italian friends today to verify their promise to 'fix bugs' and strengthen cyber security measures ”, writes the hacker collective, hinting that during the day there will be new attacks against Italian authorities .

The message arrives on the channel accompanied by a Russian flag that does not leave too much room for the imagination, and with a somewhat noteworthy conclusion: "Victory will be ours", writes the NoName collective, one among the most active in the cyberwar that has been accompanying the conflict between Russia and Ukraine for months. In fact, just a few weeks ago, the same group had attacked the sites of the Carabinieri, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Defense and other private Italian companies. An attack launched on the occasion of Giorgia Meloni's visit to Ukraine, where she met President Zelensky.

Since its creation about a year ago, in March 2022, the pro-Russian group has immediately worked hard to target government entities of Ukraine and countries that support it, such as Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway and Switzerland. Among these is also Italy, which has now become one of the favorite targets of Russian cybercriminals, and not only.