Harry Potter
Harry Potter will return to the big screen and this time not with spin-offs, sequels or the like, but with a real reboot of the saga, with new faces who will be called to replace the original cast of a franchise that has made cinema history. It all started with a scoop released on Twitter and then on YouTube by Wdw Pro and ValliantRenegad, who also made a clean sweep of the rumored hypothesis of a TV series that would expand the narrative dimension of the novels created by J.K. Rowling. But after all it was David Zaslav himself, head of Wb Discovery , who recently anticipated how Harry Potter was at the center of a project that aimed to bring back a large number of spectators, preferably from Generation Z , the one that today decides whether a film will be a hit or a flop at the box office. "We haven't had a Superman film for 13 years. We haven't made a Harry Potter film for 15 years," Zaslav said. new films of The Lord of the Rings, for example ”.Apparently the basis of this decision would be the lack of success of the Fantastic Beasts spin-off saga (at the moment it seems there won't even be a fourth film), which prompted Warner's top management to start over from Hogwarts but with new faces, without creating a new origin story but rather expanding the cinematic universe based on the first seven novels.
There is talk of a project that will see the light in 3, maximum 5 years, with the need of course to make Harry Potter attractive to the new audience, in terms of cast but also in terms of narrative style, aesthetics and of course thematics, but without betraying the soul of the saga.
It is not yet clear whether and possibly how much Rowling will be involved in the reboot, both due to the numerous controversies arising from some of the author's positions on the transgender world, and due to Warner's desire to have their hands free . From this point of view, Hogwarts Legacy , a highly anticipated video game to be released on February 10th , will be an important test for society.
However, there was no lack of less than enthusiastic reactions to the news. As expected, some fans did not respond positively to the idea of seeing other actors in the role of Harry, Ron and Hermione, already successfully played by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson respectively. This will in all likelihood be the real challenge for Warner: to be able to conquer the old Harry Potter fandom without making us regret the original saga, which yielded something like 7.7 billion dollars in eight films.
For many it is also difficult to imagine that the reboot can say anything more, and they accuse Warner of simply wanting to imitate Disney with its live action, without offering anything new or particularly genuine. The saga celebrated its twenty-year reunion last January, yet for many it is as if it ended only yesterday: is it a bit early to play the nostalgia effect? In all of this, the name of who will be put in charge of the project has not yet been named, nor has it been communicated whether Harry Potter and the cursed child will be part of the reboot, which could potentially restore oxygen to the far from thriving coffers by Warner. \