Car market, sales of electric cars declining in 2022

Car market, sales of electric cars declining in 2022

Car market

With the beginning of the new year, we draw conclusions regarding the trend of the car market. According to data released in recent days, 2022 was not a good year for the electric car segment. Compared to 2021, in fact, the electric segment has seen a drop in the number of new registrations.

The rather negative data, however, seem to concern only our country; a country where new zero-emission cars are therefore struggling to spread. We are talking about a figure that according to the Motus-E association should not be underestimated given that Italy is the only one among the large European countries to record a drop in sales of full electric vehicles in 2022.

Without interventions, Italy risks accumulating a gap that is difficult to fill compared to the countries it should aspire to compete with, but fortunately the Government has all the tools at hand to bring the Italian market back to where it should be, in Europe's Serie A. without settling for a slippery secondary role.

Motus-E therefore reiterates the need to intervene promptly in order to prevent Italy from seeing its registration numbers worsen. In the first 11 months of the year, the market share of electric cars was 13% in France, 15.7% in Germany and 15.1% in the United Kingdom. At the end of 2022, in Italy, the market share of BEV models was instead 3.7% with a number of 49,058 registrations against 67,264 in 2021.

According to the association, to recover ground we could therefore start from a reorganization of the demand support framework also proposing to review the maximum price limit of electric cars to access the incentives, aligning it with that of plug-ins in. Among the suggestions of Motus-E to quickly have positive effects in the country, there is also the possibility of equating rental incentives in terms of value with those for private vehicles without scrapping, but also aligning the price cap for eligible electric cars to the one for plug-in hybrids.