Content This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.In the latest episode of Willow , Prisoners of Skellin, Christian Slater appears and his presence led showrunner Jon Kasdan to reveal that the character comes from directly from the plans to make a cinematic sequel to the Madmartigan-focused fantasy. In the aforementioned episode, he is the great absentee: the braggart swordsman who accompanied the young protagonist, played by Val Kilmer, a captivating guy who eventually won the love of the warrior Sorsha. In the sequel series set twenty years after the original, Madmartigan is not there and no one really knows what happened to him after embarking on a mysterious mission. When Willow and her companions, including Madmartigan's daughter, clash with the treacherous trolls, a prisoner locked away for countless years introduces themselves to them as the fugitive paladin. However, he is an imposter and looks like Christian Slater.
Prisoners of Skellin not only stars Slater, but features him in a key role that bridges the story of the original film with this new show . A few weeks ago, io9 spoke with Willow showrunner Jon Kasdan, who explained why Slater was cast and what this role means for the series. In the episode Slater, as Allagash, reveals that he had joined Madmartigan in a daring adventure to secure the legendary armor called the Kymerian Cuirass. The two, along with Boorman (Amar Chadha-Patel), searched for the Armor for three years, arriving at Wiggleheim's tomb in the troll mountain of Skellin. After entering the tomb, Madmartigan had never returned and Allagash had told the trolls that he was his leader in order to allow him to continue the search without being chased.
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It looks like the plot of a fantasy adventure focused on a quest and in fact the story is the starting point for a sequel. “The idea is from an unreleased movie, The Adventures of Madmartigan,” said Kasdan, “where he led a team of adventurers on missions. We thought, 'Who could be in that movie?' And Christian was the first name that came to mind." “What's amazing about Christian is that he has a genuine love for the genre,” Kasdan continues. "He loves these kinds of adventure stories. He loves Star Wars, he loves swashbuckling movies, and he couldn't wait to play one. So it was a bit of an accident when this role came up and we wanted someone who could fill in some gaps on what happened to Madmartigan".