More than a year after the release of the last God Warriors (Bud Alcor EX), Tamashii Nations today announces the release of the sixth God Warriors: Thor Pecda Gamma, for the Myth Cloth line Ex, in Italy simply known by the name of Thor taken from the animated series Saint Seiya – The Knights of the Zodiac. As with the five previous Alpha models Dubhe Siegfried , Beta Merak Hagen, Zeta Mizar Syd, Megrez Alberich Delta and Bud Alcor very little time passed from the first images shown to the public to the actual official announcement.
The figure (without armor) will be made entirely of pvc except for the feet which are made of metal. As the Japanese company has always accustomed us, inside the box we will find blisters that will contain numerous extras including interchangeable hands and faces (there should be four in all) and the parts to be able to assemble the armor in the constellation totem. All these additional elements will allow you to be able to create poses and scenarios of all kinds, also tracing the legendary battle with Seiya of Pegasus.
Thor Pecda Gamma is one of the seven God Warriors (although in reality they are eight as we all know) of the caste of God Warriors protectors of Asgard and loyal to Odin and his priestess Hilda of Polaris. His armor represents the World Serpent Jormungander, the enormous serpent of Midgar and the star of Ursa Major that corresponds to it is γ-Pecda. The character is based on the figure of the Thunder God of the same name, from Norse mythology and unlike the Mjöllnir that Thor wields, it is not the famous mythological war hammer, but in the anime it is represented by a pair of axes.
Thor Myth Cloth Ex will be 25 cm tall, slightly more than the normal one of his old model of the Classic line. Its price will be 18,000 Yen, with release set for June 2023 in Japan and around August/September 2023 in Italy thanks to the official distributor Cosmic Group.
If you are passionate about Saint Seiya and would like to start your collection of Myth Cloth here is our selection of the best models dedicated to Saint Seiya, then on Amazon you will find many available for immediate delivery by simply clicking here!