Among the innovations that the Meloni government aims to introduce with the 2023 Budget law, for which the approval of the House and the Senate is expected in the coming weeks, under penalty of a provisional exercise, one concerns the Indicator of the economic situation equivalent, better known by the acronym Isee .What is Isee for How does Isee change
What is Isee for
This index is a tool used to evaluate and compare the economic situation of families who intend to apply for a subsidized social benefit, such as bonuses and tax breaks, and it is calculated by considering various items attributable to the same nucleus: the rent of the house where they live, movable and immovable assets, income for Irpef purposes and INPS treatments exempt for Irpef purposes.However, ISEE is not only an access key to bonuses and subsidies, but it is also useful for calculating some expenses, such as taxes university. For these purposes, the ISEE is quantified from year to year on the basis of the Single Substitute Declaration (DSU) and is valid until 31 December of the year in which it was drawn up.
If until now it had always been possible to present the DSU in the non-pre-compiled form, the draft of the maneuver arrived in Parliament, in article 60, restricts this possibility only up to 31 December 2022, adding that " starting from 1 July 2023, the presentation of the Dsu by the citizen takes place primarily in the pre-compiled form, without prejudice to the possibility of presenting the Dsu in the ordinary form ”.
How ISEE is changing
From 2023, anyone who needs to calculate their ISEE to access bonuses, support or subsidies will therefore be called upon to mainly use the pre-compiled DSU available from INPS. However, the envisaged timescales suggest that there may be a six-month transition, useful for the "minister of labor and social policies, having consulted INPS, the Revenue Agency and the Guarantor for the protection of personal data" individuals, reads the article 60 of the draft of the financial law, " the operating methods, further simplifications and technical methods to allow the citizen to manage the pre-compiled declaration made available electronically by INPS ".The objective of the Meloni government is to streamline the procedures for calculating the Isee. So far, to obtain it, citizens have had the opportunity to present the Dsu in person, to the institution that from time to time provides the subsidized social benefit, to the municipality, to a Caf, to INPS, as well as online, also in pre-filled.
From 1 July 2023, however, the latter will be the main method envisaged, pending provisions from the Ministry of Labour. Provisions that will certainly take into account the innovations introduced by INPS last August regarding digital identity, which provide for the possibility for each adult member of a family unit to authorize the pre-compilation of their data using one of the second level Spid, the Cie and the Cns .