And we inevitably start from the general ranking which is a summary of all the other rankings. Ukraine is in 1st place and also in 3rd together with President Putin's Russia in 6th, which started the invasion, unleashing a war that continues today. In 2022, two much loved figures such as Queen Elizabeth of England (2nd) and Piero Angela (7th) said goodbye and there was a lot of sport with the controversial Australian Open (4th) with the controversy over the closed door to no-vax Novak Djokovic and the ominous match Italy vs Macedonia (9th) which once again excluded the Azzurri from the World Cup. The Sanremo Festival is represented by the presenter Drusilla (8th) and the singer Blanco (10th), finally the 2022 elections do not go beyond 5th place.
Ukraine Queen Elizabeth Russia Ukraine Australian Open 2022 elections Putin Piero Angela Drusilla Italy Macedonia Blanco Many names already mentioned can be found in the characters, with the addition of other tennis players such as the Italians Sinner and Berrettini, footballers such as Vlahovic and Dybala, competitors of the GF Vip such as Marco Bellavia and Ornella Muti on the occasion of Sanremo.
Putin Drusilla Blanco Sinner Vlahovic Djokovic Berrettini Dybala Marco Bellavia Ornella Muti As proof that the disappearances of famous people are always the proponents of important trends on Google, there is also his own dedicated ranking which ranges from politics to the world of show.
Regina Elisabetta Piero Angela Mino Raiola David Sassoli Monica Vitti Manuel Vallicella Catherine Spaak Anne Heche Olivia Newton John Ray Liotta The trendiest singers are all linked to the Sanremo Festival and curiously Gianni Morandi is still third, while Elisa who came second is not on the list.
Blanco Mahmood Gianni Morandi Iva Zanicchi Ana Mena Irama Massimo Ranieri List Representative Gianluca Grignani Achille Lauro The now historic slap live at the 2022 Oscars was worth the first place to Will Smith and the sixth to Chris Rock in the top ten of the actors :
Will Smith Gianluca Gori Vanessa Incontrada Luca Marinelli Maria Chi ara Giannetta Chris Rock Lorena Cesarini Michael J Fox Evan Peters Giovanna Ralli A variegated classification by genre that of the trendiest films of 2022 which sees Doctor Strange in first place, understood however as Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness, released in the first half of the year .
Doctor Strange Thor love and thunder Don't look up Uncharted The Batman Assassination on the Nile Top Gun Black Adam Morbius Jurassic World Many users ask search engines for specific questions, what comes next Why…? which has been trending longest in the past 12 months? War, sport, politics and gossip dominate.
Russia wants to invade Ukraine Pioli is on fire Petrol increases Draghi has resigned Diesel costs more than petrol Totti and Ilary separate Modern half dose Elettra and Geneva they argued Lilli Gruber is not at half past eight Dybala leaves Juve These are the completions of Come fare…? with the technology that finds space between WhatsApp surveys and the update to iOS 16.
the quick swab Polls on Whatsapp Swab at home The passport Single check question Bonus 200 euro question Isee molecular swab 2022 iOS 16 update Peaches in syrup The third question is What does it mean…? and here the war is more predominant among the Zs on tanks at the no fly zone.
The Z on Russian tanks Orranza Speak in italics One-time No fly zone Baiulo Reinforced green pass Paraclete Drop Instagram Born Finally, between the trends linked to searches relating to certain locations with What to see surprisingly ticking Bologna, beating Barcelona and Catania.
Bologna Barcelona Catania Paris Mantua Parma Lisbon Malta Munich Ravenna Among the other rankings released recently there are also the ones on the best apps and games for iPhone and those for Android .