Duke Nukem Forever
Not everyone knows it, but in the 90s 3D Realms (we are well aware of the vicissitudes and problems between the series and the studio ) was working on a 2D project of Duke Nukem Forever , which later never came on the market due to some changes that surprised him along the way. Recently, the hacker x0r_jmp somehow managed to resurrect it, publishing the prototype (and builds) of this two-dimensional project on the web, which until now no one had had the opportunity to see and study.
We don't know, exactly, what were the reasons that led to the cancellation of the work with Duke Nukem Forever, but we do know one thing: this is by no means the first time we are faced with material "forgotten" and "never completed" related to this video game series.
If you are curious about the material found, in conjunction with the discovery, it was all published on YouTube. The fact of being able to take a look at how the gameplay and aesthetics were designed inevitably takes us back in time, never forgetting that it was always the 90s. A Duke Nukem Forever in 2D, perhaps, was linked to a sort of nostalgia later never realized, we are still talking about an era that began to innovate the expressive possibilities of the medium.
According to game-news24.com , it seems that the title, directed by Keith Schuler , should have been called Duke Nukem 4Ever . Work to bring it to the shelves went on until 1996 and then stopped completely in '97. Everyone knows the story behind the publication of Duke Nukem Forever and the difficulties that led to its final version. The fact that such a build exists speaks volumes about the real and original vision regarding this video game, later molded into what the fans received.
Before saying goodbye, we also recommend that you drop by our YouTube channel, where you can find videos dedicated to the videogame world at 360 degrees, with curiosities, tidbits and reflections on the sector and the current approach possibilities that offers.