The current macroeconomic situation spares no one: even Xiaomi had to deal with the crisis. This would be suggested by the tax report for the last quarter .
if (jQuery("#crm_srl-th_mobilelabs_d_mh2_1").is(":visible")) { //console.log( "[ACTIVATION TEST] adding zone: tag crm_srl-th_mobilelabs_d_mh2_1 slot id: th_mobilelabs_d_mh2"); } if (jQuery("#crm_srl-th_mobilelabs_d_bx2_1").is(":visible")) { //console.log("[ACTIVATION TEST] adding zone: tag crm_srl-th_mobilelabs_d_bx2_1 slot id: th_mobilelabs_d_bx2"); } The fiscal results of the last quarter, recently released to Xiaomi, speak for themselves: the Chinese company, like many other companies in the world, has suffered a sharp decline in both revenue and profits. In the first case, Xiaomi has notified a 10% reduction on an annual basis. therefore compared to the same period of the previous year. But what is striking is the data on profits: -59%, again on an annual basis.
According to some analysts, this net decrease should be due not only to the prevailing economic crisis but also to the company's desire not to abandon any of his current projects, however minor they may be. In confirmation of this, Xiaomi said that it had increased the funds allocated to research by over 25% and, concurrently, that it had hired new employees dedicated precisely to this business sector. In short, it would seem that the company's reduced earnings are mainly due to its desire to continue following the path of innovation and technological modernity, which has always been the signature of the brand: for example, it was just yesterday's news of wanting to produce an "artistic" version ”, in limited quantities, of the flagship 12T Pro .
And in fact, Xiaomi's situation would not seem to be so worrying: a recent Canalys report sees the Chinese company settle more than firmly in third place for device shipments with a 13.6% of the world market (23.3% on a European scale) and a 26% share of the Italian market of smartphones sold. In fact, in just over twelve years of existence Xiaomi Founded has managed to go from being a new entry on the market to one of the great reference realities at European and global level.
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