The Game Awards 2022: There will be over 50 games, the show will be shorter

The Game Awards 2022: There will be over 50 games, the show will be shorter

The Game Awards 2022

Just under a month away from The Game Awards 2022 and Geoff Keighley is already starting to pique the curiosity of players, promising that more than 50 games will be present during the event, in line with the latest editions. At the same time, however, the show will be shorter, so we assume that the pace of trailers and announcements will be much higher.

The information comes from an interview granted by Keighley, who we remember is the creator and host of The Game Awards, at In response to the question of whether he fears that some of the games featured on the show will be leaked ahead of time, he replied:

"It's always difficult because when you have more than 50 games involved in some way, something will come out. . But yes, we have done well in the past with the show and we usually manage to keep some surprises. "

The Game Awards Keighley also stated that the live broadcast of The Game Awards 2022 will be shorter than in previous editions, in response to frequent criticism from viewers, who evidently do not appreciate the numerous downtime and advertising breaks between a trailer / announcement / awarding of a prize and another. Despite this, he promised that the world premiere number will remain the same.

"I don't have any exact numbers to give you (regarding world premieres), but they are in line with past years," said Keighley, who later added that even in this year's edition we will see a mix of games already announced and others completely unreleased, some of which perhaps have already been the protagonists of rumors and speculations in recent months.

"We have some games already announced that will feature brand new content and then we also have a lot of new games to unveil. There is already a lot of speculation on the net about what's going to be and what's not going to be. I'm sure some of these rumors are probably wrong and will intensify in the coming weeks. "

The Game Awards 2022 will take place at 01:30 Italian on December 9, 2022. We at geekinco obviously are ready to stay up late, following the event live with you on our Twitch channel and reporting on our pages all the announcements and trailers shown during the show.

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