Stranger Things 5
The next season of Stranger Thing s will be released in 2024 and by now we have resigned ourselves to a long wait. The issues remained pending with the end of the fourth season and they are many: the fate of Max, that of Will and the role that could play a series of mysterious figures only hinted at in the episodes already aired on Netflix last summer. >Stranger Things, all the doubts that the fourth season has left us Fans of the series on Netflix are left with many questions pending, to which (we hope) will answer the next chapter In Stranger Things Day (November 6, day in which Will Byers disappears in the series) a tweet came out that made the fans stand up.
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The title of the first episode of the fifth season (which, remember, will be the last) is The Crawl. Crawl means to crawl, but also to crawl. And theories about what might happen in this episode have been running wild.
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The most interesting are certainly those that refer to Eddie and the lyrics of Master of Puppets, the song by Metallica star of the cult scene in the fourth season.
Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master, master
But the term could also be a reference to Dungeons & Dragons or even a hint of Max's fate (thinking positively).
In honor of Eddie Munson, God (of Metal) of Stranger Things We thought that no one could oust the long-haired Steve Harrington from the throne more mythical than Hawkins and instead it happened: the undisputed hero of the fourth season of the series of Netflix is destined to become a television icon. That's why we madly love this emblematic outsider.Unfortunately, we don't have much left to do but look forward to 2024 and the Stranger Things series finale. We will say goodbye to this wonderful series knowing that the Duffer Brothers have inaugurated Upside Down Pictures, a new production house that will among the first things be destined for projects originating from the adventures of Hawkins.
If you want to invest in real estate and nostalgia is really unbearable, know that the very disturbing Creel house is for sale…