Sonic Frontiers will arrive in time for day one
SEGA had said it over and over again: there was no intention of postponing the launch of Sonic Frontiers. Despite the criticism of the players towards the title, which did not seem absolutely in shape at least according to the opinions of fans and lovers of the blue hedgehog, the latest adventure of the series had to be released by 2022. For better or for worse, this promise has been maintained, as announced on Twitter by game director Morio Kishimoto.
In the early hours of today, Saturday 22 October 2022, Kishimoto announced on Twitter that the game has officially entered the gold phase. This means that the first copies of the title are now ready to be sent to "print" and published in the various digital stores of Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. The game will therefore not suffer any kind of postponement and will be available regularly on November 8, 2022, as announced some time ago.
Over the last few hours, Sonic Frontiers has not been the only game to enter the phase gold. Yesterday evening, in fact, definitely surprised us, with the press announcement of the first copy of The Callisto Protocol. The new game from Glen Schofield, the spiritual heir to Dead Space, will be available without delay. News of this kind is always positive, because it means that the development team has worked well and will be able to deliver the titles to the players without further waiting.
The game director Morio Kishimoto confirms that the development of Sonic Frontiers is completed. https://t.co/66R7v1JmtW
- Sonic Frontiers (@Sonic_Frontier) October 22, 2022| ); }
As mentioned above, Sonic Frontiers is preparing for its debut, set for November 8, 2022. The game will be available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. Now the ball passes into the hands of critics and above all the public: TEAM SONIC and SEGA will have to prove that they have worked on a splendid game, which all fans of the blue hedgehog (last, true mascot of this industry) will enjoy playing.