With a nice message on Twitter, the publisher has announced that Return to Monkey Island is became the chapter of the Monkey Island series that has totaled the highest number of copies sold in the first month of marketing, having been released a month ago, and to announce the record has packaged a nice curtain with the famous Stan, one that in terms of sales surely knows something.
"Return to Monkey Island was released a month ago and Stan is proud to announce that this is the fastest selling game in the legendary series," reads the message. The previous chapters came out in very different historical periods and, in this case, there was also Nintendo Switch to give a hand to the game from the launch, but the result is still remarkable.
This is, above all, excellent news for all lovers of graphic adventures in general: on the one hand it demonstrates the great popularity they can still enjoy, on the other the fact that Ron's new project Gilbert has achieved this success should ensure more titles on the way from the creator of the series, after the excellent results also achieved by Thimbleweed Park.
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