When we go back to talking about Minecraft we always end up surprised by the creations that the community of fans gives birth. The Mojang sandbox, nowadays, presents a boundless world of possibilities and certainly if you are a novice it will all seem so complex, especially if you then come across works like the one we are about to show you. Let's talk about Greenfield: a real city that came to life thanks to the work of 500 enthusiasts.
What is astounding is how this "workforce" and this construction timeline have resulted in a frighteningly detailed city. Looking at the image, you can see how all the elements are rich in detail, and if you sharpen your sight by aiming at the horizon it almost seems like you are looking at a photo of a real city and not a blocky creation made with Minecraft. In addition to the airport, in fact, there are buildings, different suburbs, and a whole series of details that make this Greenfield super realistic.
Over 500 people have helped us build this Minecraft city, and the airport alone took 2.5 years to build. This is what our Minecraft city looks like after 11 years of work from gaming