God of War Ragnarok is just a few weeks away. While waiting for the reviews and the sale, decidedly interesting details continue to emerge on the production of the title and today's one concerns Atreus and specifically the dubbing, which forced Santa Monica to an added effort of no small effort.
As reported online, there was a huge time issue for God of War Ragnarok's processing. The first chapter of the new Kratos cycle began in 2018, when the actor who plays Atreus was just 13 years old. Today we are in 2022 and the same actor, who has kept the role, has gone on to have a good 17. Four years of difference is a lot and this has also had an impact on the dubbing, since in the game he is still a kid. Sure, grown compared to the events of the first chapter, but not too much.
"Our actor for Atreus, Sunny, is a boy and his voice has changed over the years of development", the words of Jodie Kupsco , who supervised the work on the dialogues. "We had to change something to make sure that everything happened in a shorter period of time". There was no need for major changes, given that the time window is more or less the same, but it is certainly something to take into account when working with very young actors and especially when facing very important challenges, such as for for example that of the COVID-19 pandemic, which also caused delays in other highly anticipated video games.| ); }