Disney +
It appears that Disney + 's basic ad-supported subscription does not allow shared viewing of content between users, i.e. the SharePlay and GroupWatch functions, although the matter is not yet official and information is awaited from Disney.To report it is MacRumors, based on some clues found within the code of the official website of the platform. According to what emerged in this sort of datamining, it seems that the basic subscription with advertising, destined to cost $ 7.99 per month in the USA, does not allow the use of SharePlay and GroupWatch, thus preventing users from sharing remote viewing. .
We remind you that the two functions are used to share remote viewing of content between different users, so it is a different matter from account sharing and things like that: SharePlay is a function dedicated above all to Apple platforms, which it allows to carry out a shared transmission between several remote users, but all subscribers to the platform, while SharePlay practically does the same thing with other devices, not necessarily Apple.
Based on the lines of code found, it appears that "GroupWatch and SharePlay are not available for ad tier accounts," reads very clearly in files unearthed on the internet by Steve Moser. However, we await official confirmation, as well as the other details of the new subscription plan for Italy. Meanwhile, we have seen how Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are on par in Italy, but Disney + and Paramount + are growing.
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