Blue Dragon
Microsoft has announced that it has added Italian to the backward compatible version of Blue Dragon, the Japanese role-playing game of Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of the Final Fantasy series, launched at the time of the Xbox 360.Available for some time in backward compatibility , unfortunately the game lacked the Italian language. Now, however, our local users will be able to return to play it in our language.
However, it is fair to report that the update can create some problems, in the sense that it may not be applied correctly if you have the game already installed. So Microsoft's technical service recommends installing it again (from scratch in case you have a digital license and you are not playing from disc) and, in case you find yourself with two different versions in your system, to keep the one that doesn't start up. it gives errors, because it is the correct one (the other one is no longer functional).
All the saves will be usable with the new version, so you do not risk losing your progress.
Blue Dragon was released in 2006 in Japan and in 2007 in the rest of the world. It was the first game developed by Mistwalker, the software house founded by Sakaguchi after leaving Square Enix. The plot is about five friends: Shu, Jiro, Kluke, Zola and Marumaro, and their journey to defeat Nene, the tyrannical ruler of the Great Kingdom.
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