Bayonetta 3
Let's see this video comparison between the censored version and the more true version of Bayonetta 3, made by the YouTube channel GameXplain, remembering however that the more modest version, called Naive Angel Mode, is selectable and not mandatory and that, therefore, you will not be forced to undergo it in no case.The video is interesting not so much for the complaints, but because it shows the solutions adopted to implement them, some of which are decidedly elaborate. For example in the first sequence shown we can see that the censored version shows a bright Bayonetta when she is naked, so as not to show her private parts.
In other sequences we can see that instead of a ripped dress, she is wearing a full dress; that when she is in butterfly demon form she is made to wear a bra and that in certain fights she wears her is far less revealing than the normal version. There is also a cigar that becomes a kind of dessert (in this case it seems more of an ironic censorship than a way to cover up content considered inappropriate). Violence is also moderated more in the censored mode.
For the rest we remind you that after years of waiting, Bayonetta 3 is finally available for Nintendo Switch, of which it is an exclusive. If you want more information, read our review, in which we wrote:
Bayonetta 3 is the most crystalline explanation of PlatinumGames' silence in recent years that you could wish for: it is clearly an "all-in", a video game created by consuming any possible idea and resource to reach the maximum limit of a specific series. And the incredible thing is that, despite such a plan could go terribly wrong, the Platinum have managed to carry it out not only by creating one of the best action ever made, but also the most excessive and unpredictable Bayonetta that could be imagined. Of course, their creature is not perfect, it has some clear imbalances and sometimes its follies can make the experience a bit chaotic ... conceiving a more spectacular and successful sequel than this was however in our opinion almost impossible, and we believe seriously that this is the best closure a fan of the witch with glasses could ask for. Hats off, Platinums are more alive than ever.
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