Zyxel Just Connect Live
Zyxel Just Connect live, the exclusive event dedicated to Zyxel partners, will be held on Thursday 22 September at the Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum in Funo di Argelato (BO).
We will meet to share technical insights and ideas related to Zyxel vertical solutions to deepen the service-oriented business perspective.
PNRR: the hangar of opportunities for the ICT channel and SMEs is the main theme of Zyxel Just Connect Live. | ); }
Il PNRR will allow a pervasive digitization of Italy, in particular it will be the Public Administrations, including Schools and Healthcare, Businesses and the Tourism and Culture sector that will rapidly see this need accelerate.
“In fact, it is estimated that we will gradually reach a + 6.3% growth in 2025, going from the current 75.3 billion to 91.2 billion euros. And these are opportunities that Zyxel and our partners cannot miss ”.
Zyxel Just Connect Live is back in attendance after three years and aims to offer its partners development opportunities by guiding them in the complex world of PNRR.
Just Connect Live therefore provides interventions, concrete experiences of Zyxel Partners, technical insights and live demos, to discover all the secrets of Managed Service Providing: go from simple assistance to complete management of IT systems, optimize commitment retailer and customer loyalty.
How to Boost the Signal on ZyXEL
Jeff Grundy has been writing computer-related articles and tutorials since 1995. Since that time, Grundy has written many guides to using various applications that are published on numerous how-to and tutorial sites. Born and raised in South Georgia, Grundy holds a Master of Science degree in mathematics from the Georgia Institute of Technology.