The decision of the Court of Milan affirms that the judge has not been put in a position to verify the effective presence "of the digital signatures collected together with certificates ”and therefore cannot rule on the appeal presented. This is because, the State did not even open the USB sticks which contained the tens of thousands of signatures collected to present the candidate list for the elections, refusing to verify the very existence of the signatures and behaving as if the signatures were never you exist.
The absurd thesis of the government to block the digital collection of signatures for the elections In response to the appeal of the Referendum and Democrazia con Cappato list, which tried to run for the elections by collecting the signatures digitally, the government explained that the admission would have forced us to postpone the call to the polls "A senseless decision, because it accuses us of not having proved the existence of the signatures, attributing to us a duty that is known to the Court of Appeal and certainly not to the presenters . Also for this we will present an immediate complaint ", said Marco Cappato, leader of the list." The decision comes five days before the elections, but after five years since, in 2017, the Parliament had committed - within 6 months !! - the Government to test the digital signature for the presentation of the lists. An experiment never attempted by anyone but this does not expire as a commitment ", claimed Virginia Fiume, co-president of Eumans, the pro-European movement on the list.
" The government had opposed the appeal urgency of the Referendum and Democracy List, advancing the impossibility of postponing the vote in case of acceptance of the appeal because close to the electoral round - explained Marco Perduca, legal manager of the list - but no answer had never arrived since 25 July when we formally warned the government to obtain an interpretative decree ”.
"In absolute silence on the part of the government, parliament and President of the Republic, the Milan judge found himself having to decide in conditions of objective blackmail produced by institutional inertia. Also for this reason our action does not end here. An urgent complaint and appeals to international jurisdictions are being prepared ", Marco Cappato said at the end of the press release.