Alessandria, Ancona , Bergamo, Bologna, Bormio, Brescia, Cagliari, Caltanissetta, Catania, Chieri, Chieti, Como, Cuneo, Florence, Forlì, Genoa, Gorizia, Lecce, Lecco, Mantua, Messina, Milan, Modena, Padua, Palermo, Pavia, Pesaro , Piacenza, Pisa, Pistoia, Potenza, Ravenna, Rome, Siena, Turin, Trieste, Udine, Val si Susa, Venosa, Ventimiglia and Sanremo, Vercelli, Verona, Viterbo and Voghera. These are the cities and areas where the protests and demonstrations organized for Friday 23 September by Fridays For Future Italia will be concentrated.
A global tax to compensate developing countries from the damage of the climate crisis The poorest countries have called the most developed economies to answer for their responsibilities related to the climate crisis. Through a global tax on carbon, air travel, highly polluting fuels and financial transactions. At the heart of the protest is the slogan People not profit, to ask politics to give priority to people and not to profits in their programs. It is no coincidence that the choice of the date close to the elections, with the running parties accused by climate activists of speaking too little and with little conviction of environmental problems, while the climate emergency should be at the center of any program with a vision aimed at the future and the well-being of the planet and the living beings that inhabit it.
With this protest action, Fridays For Future also intends to bring the five fundamental points of its Climate Agenda to the attention of politics: sustainable transport and mobility , energy, jobs, housing and energy poverty and access to water resources. At the same time, the various territorial realities will have the opportunity to highlight critical issues and environmental problems of the areas of origin.
What the electoral programs of the parties say about the environment and climate From land consumption to hydrogeological instability, from adaptation to climate change to protect seas and forests: here are the recipes of the sides in view of the elections on 25 September. Climate and environment finally have a leading role, but this does not mean that the proposals are entirely credible.In particular, the event organized in the Marche will also be dedicated to the communities of the province of Ancona and Pesaro Urbino, recently hit by a flood which caused the death of 11 people and the destruction of many inhabited centers. The disaster was caused by an extreme climatic event, which dumped on the ground an amount of water equal to that of six months of rain in just two hours. But, at the same time, it has been aggravated by urban planning and emergency management that are completely inadequate to address the current climate emergency.