How the click day for the 200 euro VAT bonus works

How the click day for the 200 euro VAT bonus works

The online applications for the 200 euro bonus for self-employed workers and freelancers start today at 12. Introduced with the Aid bis decree for over 30 million Italians, the 200 euro bonus is a one-off contribution designed to allow beneficiaries to better counter the current price increases. Most of the categories for which compensation is envisaged have already received it, some automatically on their paychecks like employees, others following an online application on the INPS website such as domestic workers. Different speech for self-employed workers and freelancers, for which until a few days ago the implementing decree of the measure was in the hands of the Court of Auditors "for the necessary checks".

When can it be requested? Will it really be a click day? What are the requirements to do this? How do you apply for it?

When can you request?

Applications will be open at 12 noon today, Monday 26 September, and will close on 30 November, identified by the Association of private presidential bodies (Adepp) as the "peremptory date by which submit the applications ", being also the deadline for the electronic submission of the tax return to the Revenue Agency.

Will it really be a click day?

Today's can not be considered a real click day. According to the Adepp survey, the allocation made by the government for self-employed workers and freelancers is large enough to satisfy all requests. This is 600 million euros for an audience of beneficiaries which should include around 3 million people. Consequently, there is no point in talking about click days, which implies that the earlier you apply, the more chance you have of getting the bonus. You can be sure of obtaining compensation if you meet the requirements and submit the application correctly in the indicated period.

What are the requirements for obtaining it?

To obtain the subsidy, it is necessary to be registered with one of the Inps pension funds and have an active VAT number by 18 May 2022, and it is necessary that the self-employed worker and the professional have received a total income not exceeding 35 thousand euros during the year 2021.

How is it requested?

Applications must be made electronically in accordance with the provisions published by INPS and by private pension funds. An ad hoc platform will be set up for lawyers - enrolled in the Cassa Forense. For others, you will need to access the personal area of ​​the INPS website, where you can access with Pin, Spid or Cie. From there, the beneficiaries must follow the instructions provided by the site, and must include their identity card and their tax code, and they will have to prove that their 2021 income was below the 35 thousand euro threshold.