The return of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, one of the funniest and most original spin-offs of the Game Freak and Nintendo franchise, could be around the corner. As reported on Reddit, in fact, the Japanese giant has begun to probe a possible ground in view of the return of the series, launching a survey that asks users which title of the franchise they would like to review in the near future.
Il survey, sent to some users subscribed to the Nintendo mailing list, asks players for an opinion on the next titles in the series. Among the options made available to people we find a game similar to Pokémon GO, a new open world adventure or a new Mystery Dungeon. There is also the option for a more linear adventure, similar to previous iterations such as Red, Blue, Sword and Shield. All attractive options, but the one linked to Mystery Dungeon is certainly among the most interesting.
Clearly, as usual in these cases, the survey must be taken with a grain of salt. It is in fact an exploratory maneuver by Nintendo, which, however, does not necessarily mean that it can turn into a finished product. Despite this, if the pressure of the public were sufficient, it is not excluded that in the future a new Mystery Dungeon can be realized. Clearly everything will depend on the Japanese giant, which will obviously have the last word on the matter.
Nintendo is asking in a survey to see if there is demand for a new Mystery Dungeon game. from MysteryDungeon| ); }
The Pokémon series has always experienced very different games. Just in 2022 the first original adventure debuted, unrelated to the old game design and the old games of the franchise, or Legends Arceus (which you can find on Amazon). Game Freak is currently working on Scarlatto and Violetto, but it is not excluded that in the future it will not be able to work on spin-offs and completely unreleased titles: the future of the brand is still to be written. Stay tuned to geekinco for all the news and announcements in the pipeline from the world of video games.