Cyberpunk 2077
To work on our favorite video games there are no machines (at least for now), but developers in the flesh, who often suffer from the choices of the players and the specialized critics. And after Fallout New Vegas, perhaps the case of Cyberpunk 2077 is the most important of all, given that the developers of CD Projekt RED have had to suffer the pains of hell, between threats and accusations for having launched an incomplete and "broken" product. ". We can only imagine the mood of game designers, programmers and 3D modelers after the criticisms received (even on a personal level). After two years, however, the game is experiencing a sort of second chance for everyone it's time to take revenge.
A clip of a live broadcast was recently shared on Reddit where the quest director Paweł Sasko he was moved, remembering the terrible launch of Cyberpunk 2077. “We have been working on this game for a very long time, about 7 or 8 years. Now everyone is enjoying our work and it's great to see such a reaction. It's finally happening ”, the words of Sasko, who then went even slightly further.
“ My girlfriend saw me completely KO after the launch. But now it's good to be back. Fucking good, ”Sasko added almost in tears. Tears that obviously know of revenge and show, once again, how a simple video game is not actually a product made and finished at launch, but (in many cases) a construction site still open. Of course, criticisms could arise regarding the price and launch of a product, but this is definitely not the place to talk about it: today we celebrate only the joy of a man, who has worked hard on a video game and is only now collecting the fruits of sleepless nights and crazy extraordinary.
Quest director Paweł Sasko emotionally talks about the difficult premiere of Cyberpunk 2077 from cyberpunkgame| ); }
If you haven't tried Cyberpunk 2077 yet, our invitation is to do so now, especially if you have a next gen console like PS5 or Xbox Series S | X at home. You can get your copy for a great price on Amazon.
The Best ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ Quickhack Build, 2022 Edition
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRCyberpunk 2077 is back, and with it, comes a period that feels a bit like a second launch window. Many people have picked up the game for the first time, and as such, want to know how to do this or that in the game. My 10 things tips article is the most popular thing I’ve written this week, so I wanted to get a little more specific today.
I thought I’d go back to my old characters and talk through some of my favorite builds. I have three Vs, a melee V, a quickhack V and a guns blazing assault V. We’ll do quickhack today, and depending on interest, get to the others later.
Quickhacking is something that’s pretty unique to Cyberpunk compared to other games, which is why it’s so fun to build out. At high levels, you are essentially an unkillable god that can clear an entire building standing on the curb outside. So, how do you do it? There’s plenty of variance you can inject in here, but here are the main components:
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRObviously for this build having 20 in Intelligence is a must. I also have 20 in Cool to unlock a bunch of Cold Blooded stuff. After that, you can take your pick. I did 20 in Reflexes to end up with a secondary, one-shot pistol build in addition to my Quickhacks. The thing about this build is that you kind of have more attribute and perk points than you know what to do with, given that you don’t need a ton for the quickhacks themselves.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRQuickhacking Tree – Here’s what mine looks like. Key upgrades here are Plague, where quickhacks that spread can jump to even more targets, Critical Error, which allows quickhacks to crit, and Daisy Chain, which dramatically reduces cooldowns on hack-affected targets.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRBreach Protocol Tree – I wouldn’t say this one is fully necessary, but it makes life easier. You mainly want to focus on reducing quickhack costs, but there are some good bonuses in here like making the little breach hack minigame way easier, for loads more components and money throughout the game.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRCold Blood Tree – There are some decent quickhack synergies in here including reducing cooldowns and increase upload speed per stack of Cold Blood. Some of these other ones play more into the weapon half of my build.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRTake Your Pick For Final Tree – Again, you could probably just put all your points into the Intelligence Trees and be just fine, so your last tree to invest in is up to you, whether that’s going melee, assault weapons or what I did, pistols. This is not an essential part of the build, just a “back up” really in case you are forced into actual combat.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPRQuickhacks – The bread and butter of your build, and you’ll want to find all the legendary versions of these you can.
Cyberpunk 2077
CDPREven doing like, 60% of this, you are going to be pretty unstoppable. Believe me. Have fun!
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