The anime film Drifting Home (Ame or Tsugeru Hyōryū Danchi) produced by Studio Colorido (Miyo - A feline love, Penguin Highway) will debut on Netflix worldwide on September 16th. Now, Netflix has released a preview of a two-minute clip of the film showing the kids' encounter with the "ghost". You can retrieve the trailer at this article.
The encounter with the "ghost" in the 2-minute clip of the anime film Drifting Home
The anime film Drifting Home focuses on Kōsuke and his childhood friend Natsume. The two have recently entered sixth grade and are entering an awkward phase of their friendship and have started avoiding each other. One day during the summer holidays, they visit an apartment building that is about to be demolished, where the two lived. Suddenly, Kōsuke, Natsume and their friends are enveloped by a strange phenomenon, and the entire building is surrounded by an ocean. The kids will then have to try to find their way home from the drifting building.Drifting Home: staff and cast
The protagonists are: Mutsumi Tamura in the role of Kosuke Kumagaya, Asami Seto in the role of Natsume Tonai, Ayumu Murase in the role of Noppo , Daiki Yamashita as Yuzuru Tachibana, Yumiko Kobayashi as Taishi Koiwai, Inori Minase as Reina Haba and Kana Hanazawa as Juri Andō.