With an announcement on the official website that has passed a little quietly, WhatsApp has announced the diffusion of the new version of the Windows app that not only improves stability and operating speed and makes the experience optimized in the desktop dimension even on large computer monitor screens, but above all makes the software standalone, i.e. not dependent on the connection of the main smartphone connected to the personal user. The functionality has been tested for a long time and follows the multi-device openness policy promised for some time by the developers and has finally come to its debut.
How to download and use the new WhatsApp app for Windows The page on Microsoft Store
To download the latest version of WhatsApp for Windows you need to connect to the Microsoft Store by following this link and click on the download button at the top right after logging in with your personal account. Although in the description of the application only the English language is mentioned, in reality we have verified that the software is also available in Italian. Once the package of about 160 MB has been downloaded and installed, the QR code that will appear on the screen must be framed with the main smartphone, by tapping on the camera icon from the mobile phone and the device unlock code may also be requested. After the short procedure, the WhatsApp app for Windows will be authorized to use even if the smartphone is not connected to the web. According to what was communicated by WhatsApp, the application for Mac should arrive shortly so as to provide independent support for Apple computers as well.