Several times on these shores we have told you about Minecraft and the incredible creations that fans of this immortal experience have managed to make. Just a few days ago we saw how two different enthusiasts managed to use Mojang's sandbox to bring out unexpected creations, such as a gigantic musical instrument that plays the Ghostbusters soundtrack.Everything was possible thanks to Redstone, one of the minerals present in Minecraft and thanks to which you can create real masterpieces. There are also those who use Redstone to catch us all off guard and create one of the most popular PC programs within the sanbox, namely Microsoft Paint. Everything was created and documented by the youtuber known as 'mattbatwings', who posted a video on his channel in which he shows us step by step how he gave life to Paint in the title Mojang.
As you can also see in the video published a few hours ago, the two youtubers have decided to implement many Paint functions in this creation such as: the brush tool, the line tool, the circle and square tool and a paint tool. create sprites. The result looks as incredible as it is simple, but the truth is that behind the design of this idea it took a lot of work or inventiveness, as none of the actions shown in via exist in the game by default.
Minecraft builds see Redstone used by YouTubers to create MS Paint
Minecraft builds have reached a new high as Redstone — which has already been used to recreate the Ghostbusters theme, a playable version of Dance Dance Revolution, and even real-world Redstone devices — has now been manipuated by YouTubers to make a fully functioning version of MS Paint, inside the multiplayer building game.
Microsoft Paint, or as many of us know it, “that program we used when we were meant to be doing IT lessons but couldn’t get on the internet”, has been upgraded a lot in recent years. Recreating the current version of it would be a tall task, even for the talented Redstoners of YouTube, so instead, MattBatWings and Sloimay have focused on the classic version, using it as the basis for cool and highly detailed project that really belongs on our list of the best Minecraft builds.
MattBatWings shows off the whole creative process. Building MS Paint isn’t something that they or Sloimay really plan, but raher decide to cobble(stone) together when they’re chosen to take part in a video for Sipover, the YouTuber who pits these two Minecraft Redstone pros against a team of normal people.
The features MattBatWings and Sloimay decide to implement are the brush tool, line tool, circle and square tool, and a sprite tool. It all sounds simple, but you need to keep in mind that literally none of this is native to Minecraft, and they have to build not only each of these features using Redstone programming, but also the screen itself. It’s another astounding example of the creativity of Minecraft builds, with MattBatWings explaining the features as they go.
In other Minecraft news, here’s everything you need to know about Minecraft Mangrove trees. And if you want to change things up from Minecraft, you could try something from our list of the best building games. Or you could pair up using one of our best multiplayer games, and maybe try to create an incredible recreation project of your own. Minesweeper in GTA, anyone?