Compatible with all iPhone models on the market, including even the largest ones such as the Pro Max, Backbone One - PlayStation Edition includes all the keys of the DualSense of Ps5 and incorporates the characteristic style from the finishes to the materials, in particular in the white color (it is also available in black) so as to also match the other accessories of the console such as the Pulse 3D headphones with microphone. Unlike other smartphone controllers, this model does not include batteries so it draws power directly from the iPhone. As told in the official presentation post on the PlayStation website, Blackbone One can offer the right support for titles on the Apple App Store such as Genshin Impact, Call of Duty: Mobile or Fantasian, but for a more complete experience you can take advantage of the function Remote Play to play Ps4 and Ps5 titles remotely (here's how it works).
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You can also download the Blackbone app on your iPhone to access a list of games and useful information. Blackbone One - Playstation Edition for iPhone can be purchased immediately for a price of 119.99 euros, the version for Android will be released in November. By purchasing the controller you also receive three months of Discord Nitro free trial and one month of free trial of both Game Pass Ultimate and Apple Arcade.
119.99 € - Buy on PlayBlackBone