Not only the fires in Rome
The fire that broke out in Centocelle (Rome) last Saturday monopolized the attention of the media. And the other fires in Rome are doing the same in these hours. The reasons are different: it is the capital, Arpa Lazio reports that the values of dioxins in the air have exceeded the limits and the Councilor for the Environment of the Campidoglio Sabrina Alfonsi declares that behind these fires there would be the hand of organized crime.The trouble is that, however serious, the fires in Rome that have recently arrived near the headquarters of the Lazio Regional Council are not the only ones to flare up in our country. From Sicily to Puglia, up to Lombardy, there are several active fires in Italy. To say it are the satellites of NASA that observe the planet, whose data are reported in this map:
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Qui se non see graph The data comes from Firms (fire information for resource management system), a service of the American space agency that allows you to download data relating to the fires that satellites observe while orbiting the planet for the last seven days (the extraction was carried out on 12 July at 11:30 Italian time).
Specifically, the choice was to use the data collected by the Viirs (visible infrared imaging radiometer suite) 375 m, a sensor located on board the satellites managed in collaboration between NASA and Noaa (national oceanic and atmospheric administration). It is a very effective tool in detecting even small fires, even at night.
As you can see, the satellite has identified fires around the capital, but not only. Puglia, both in the northern part and in Salento, and southern Sicily are the areas with the greatest concentration of fires. To a lesser extent, they are also found along the piedmont arch between Lombardy and Veneto. Fires that may not end up on the front page, but which also due to climate change are increasingly common in our country.
The Green Brief: Europe’s heatwave hell
Greetings and welcome to EURACTIV’s Green Brief. Below you’ll find the latest roundup of news covering energy & environment from across Europe. You can subscribe to the weekly newsletter here.
Heatwaves in Europe are worsening, with records being broken at an alarming rate. While multiple factors drive extreme weather, it’s increasingly hard to separate these outlier events from the pattern of our shifting climate.
As well as increasing in intensity, heatwaves are more prolonged and are occurring earlier in the year Doctor Mariam Zachariah, a research associate at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, told EURACTIV, adding that this is a trend that is likely to continue.
The heatwaves currently enveloping Europe are the eery silence after the canary stops singing in the coal mine. They show that climate change is a problem of the present, not the future – and that Europe is woefully unprepared to deal with the consequences of decades of mass extraction of fossil fuels.
Last summer, we saw fatal floods in Germany and Belgium and devastating fires in Greece. Already this summer, several died in Italy after part of a glacier collapsed and there have been warnings about fires in France, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Norway.
Following the glacier disaster, Italy’s prime minister was in no doubt that climate change was to blame for the deaths, calling the site a symbol of the dangers posed. EU Green Deal chief Frans Timmermans said climate change is claiming “victims almost every day now”.
Speaking to the European Parliament, Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič praised the cooperation of EU countries in sending firefighters to Greece.
But words and solidarity can only go so far.
“Emergency support and response alone are not enough,” Šefčovič said. “Climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction and disaster preparedness are paramount”.
Alongside emissions reductions, the EU needs to adapt to extreme weather. Forests must become resilient to fires; farming must be adapted to be more sustainable and resilient to water shortages and flooding; cities must be better designed to cope with more frequent heatwaves and abnormal weather events.
Droughts, like those seen in Italy, are having a serious impact on agriculture, which then has a knock-on effect on consumers, said conservative lawmaker Herbert Dorfmann at the meeting with Šefčovič.
Europe must invest in research into systems that use water efficiently, as well as grow drought-resistant crops, in order to mitigate these impacts, he added, echoing comments from Italian MEPs who expressed their support for the use of genetic modification techniques in agriculture to achieve more resilient crop varieties.
Such research and innovation could be helped by the new nature protection law and soil strategy, while the European Commission is already helping some EU countries with drought management plans for vulnerable rivers, Šefčovič said.
When it comes to cities, “heatwaves, heavy precipitation, flooding and droughts will remain the most pronounced climate change impacts” alongside other risks, like wildfires and disease, a report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) found, adding that “the implementation of adaptation actions is still in its infancy, lagging particularly far behind in smaller cities and towns”.
Marcos Sempere, MEP from the Socialists and Democrats, described how the EU has people currently living and working in buildings not capable of handling such dramatic shifts in the climate. “That is why we are going to have to resort to solidarity funds and make sure that our buildings, as well as urban environments, are more resilient,” he said.
The EEA’s study pointed out an urgent need to change the planning and construction of cities to include floodplains and green space to provide shade and cooler air. Houses will need to be retrofitted with better insulation to prevent both cooling in winter and overheating in the summer. And when disaster strikes, the EU’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre, helped by satellite data will also be key.
Europe has a huge challenge to adapt to the extreme weather coming its way. The longer it waits, the worse the effects will be. The 2003 European heat wave, which claimed around 70,000 lives, is a stark reminder that adaptation needs to be taken seriously.
It’s time to realise that the canary in the coal mine has stopped singing. To quote Italian MEP Brando Benifei, “What else do we need to see before we change our economic system? People need to wake up and open their eyes. We need to work together on this. There’s no time to be lost.”
– Kira Taylor
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The meeting was mostly to lay out the different positions ahead of future discussions, which are likely to get more bogged down in detail and see divides between Parliament and EU countries. Contentious areas are well-known and mainly relate to the speed at which free pollution permits to industry will be phased out and replaced by the EU’s upcoming carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM). Another key area of discussion is the scope of the new carbon market for transport and heating fuels – the so-called ETS2 – which Parliament wants to see applied only to enterprises, not private households.
A video shared by the European Parliament shows the negotiators arriving. In the video, the Parliament’s environment committee chair, Pascal Canfin, can be heard saying: “We need to treat them as a package. Obviously, we have to agree on a timeline that will allow us to move these files more or less in a consistent manner.”
It’s expected that there will be many more meetings before the legislation is agreed although the hope is to finish by December. (Kira Taylor | EURACTIV.com)
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Environmental groups welcome the Parliament’s draft, saying it is more ambitious than the Council agreement reached last month. In their opinion, some loopholes have been addressed, such as strengthening the definitions of ‘deforestation’ and ‘forest degradation’, increasing the number of checks for companies, and better protecting the rights of indigenous and local people.
The Parliament’s environment committee also voted to expand the list of commodities and products the law would apply to, adding rubber, maize and other livestock (pigs, sheep, goats and poultry) to the six commodities proposed by the Commission (palm oil, soy, coffee, cocoa, cattle and wood). They also backed expanding the due diligence requirements to European financial institutions.
“The vote in the Environment Committee today sends a message of hope: hope for a law that can bring real change and hope for less consumption of products that leave the bitter aftertaste of nature destruction and human rights violations,” said WWF’s senior forest policy officer Anke Schulmeister-Oldenhove.
The European Parliament will agree its final position during a plenary vote in September. After that, three-way negotiations between the EU Commission, Parliament and Council will take place to finalise the law. (Valentina Romano | EURACTIV.com)
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The scheme will run until 30 June 2026 and is intended to support agricultural, breeding and agro-industrial companies with direct grants covering up to 90% of eligible investment costs, which are subject to ceilings depending on the capacity of the PV installation.
“This €1.2 billion scheme approved today will contribute to reaching Italy’s climate objectives by encouraging operators in the agricultural sector, such as farmers and processing companies, to use renewable energy. Not only the measure will contribute to EU Green Deal objectives, but it will also support the economic development of rural areas in Italy, while limiting possible distortions of competition,” said Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager. More about the Commission’s decision here. (Valentina Romano | EURACTIV.com)
No ‘summer package’ for German government. Economy and Climate Minister Robert Habeck initially aimed for a double-whammy to revitalise Germany’s lagging decarbonisation: an Easter and a summer package.
The initial plan was to submit the summer package for adoption by Parliament at first reading before the summer break so that it enters into force as quickly as possible. But this has been cancelled. While the Easter package recently got its final okay from Parliament, the summer package will now be fragmented into several pieces, with the first part due to be presented on Wednesday (13 July). While the government says the delay is due to the already far-reaching impacts of the Easter package, observers attribute it to infighting within the three-party government coalition. (Nikolaus J. Kurmayer | EURACTIV.de)
Cities in Portugal and Sweden have cleanest air in Europe. The European Environment Agency (EEA) updated its city air quality data viewer on Monday (11 July). It shows that the best air quality over the past two years in Europe can be found in the cities of Umeå, Sweden, and Faro and Funchal in Portugal.
The EEA’s city air quality viewer includes over 340 European cities, which are ranked based on average levels of particulate matter (PM2.5). According to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) guidelines, air quality was considered “good” in only 11 European cities in 2020-2021. For the remaining 97% of the 343 European cities included in the study, all exceeded the recommended level of PM2.5.
It’s not all gloom and doom, however. Indeed, the EU’s annual limit value for PM2.5 (25 µg/m3) was only exceeded in the three most polluted cities in Europe: Nowy Sacz in Poland and Cremona and Padova in Italy. This shows the different standards between the WHO guidelines and the EU requirements.
The EEA also published two reports looking at emissions of air pollutants. The reports show that, in 2020, just under half of EU Member States met the national emission reduction commitments, with the biggest challenge being reducing emissions of ammonia from agriculture. Fourteen Member States failed to meet their emission reduction commitments for at least one of the five main air pollutants (nitrogen oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds, ammonia, sulphur dioxide and PM2.5). Read the full EEA report here. (Valentina Romano | EURACTIV.com)
EU Commission approves €400 million Dutch gas storage scheme. A €406.4 million Dutch scheme to support the filling of the gas storage facility in Bergermeer was approved on Tuesday (12 July) by the European Commission.
The scheme was approved in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and will enable the Netherlands to ensure existing gas storage facilities on its territory are filled up to at least 80% of their capacity by 1 November 2022, in line with its obligations under the recently adopted regulation on gas storage.
The Commission approved the scheme after assessing that the measure is in line with EU State aid rules, does not go beyond what is necessary to address the gas storage obligations for the Netherlands and has a temporary nature. (Valentina Romano | EURACTIV.com)
12-14 JULY. Informal meeting of environment ministers.
20 JULY. Commission to present winter preparedness proposals.
26 JULY. Extraordinary Energy Council.
16 SEPTEMBER. Climate Ambassadors Meeting.
26-30 SEPTEMBER. European Sustainable Energy Week.
11-12 OCTOBER. Informal meeting of energy ministers.
12 OCTOBER. Development of post-Euro 6/VI emission standards for cars, vans, lorries and buses.
24 OCTOBER. Environment Council.
25 OCTOBER. Energy Council.
26 OCTOBER. Zero Pollution Package:
30 NOVEMBER. Circular Economy Package 2:
30 NOVEMBER. Climate Package:
5-6 DECEMBER. Energy Council.
15-16 DECEMBER. European Council.
19 DECEMBER. Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy).
20 DECEMBER. Environment Council.