God of War Ragnarok also conquers Phil Spencer
In recent weeks we have had an important confirmation regarding the upcoming God of War Ragnarok. The new epic starring Kratos and Atreus will see the light on PlayStation consoles this year, suddenly becoming one of the most anticipated gaming experiences by fans. The new God of War is getting everyone to agree, even industry personalities who are not strictly connected to the PlayStation world, such as Phil Spencer.The head of the Xbox division has always been very open to everything that orbits the videogame industry. Although many players still believe in the myth of the console war, Phil Spencer himself recently gave a very strong signal by answering a series of themed questions proposed by the official Xbox Twitter page. In this list of questions, some video games that have marked the gaming career of fans are asked and even the head of the Xbox division wanted to give him his personal answers.| ); }
First game: Pong
Last game: Road 96
Favorite game: Robotron: 2084
Game you play the most: right now… .FH5 Hot Wheels
Game you want to play next: God of War Ragnarok
First game you'd show a caveman: Lumines: perfect mix of mechanics, music, style and replayability
- Phil Spencer (@ XboxP3) July 26, 2022
In all this Phil Spencer has also revealed which game he has played the most, underlining that right now it is the latest expansion of Forza Horizon 5 all with a Hot Wheels theme, and which it would be the game he would show to a caveman, replying that it would be Lumines, according to him “a perfect mix of mechanics, music, style and replayability”.
New God of War: Ragnarok Story Details Revealed | GameSpot News
The official PlayStation Store page for God of War: Ragnarok has been updated, and it includes what appear to be new story details. The story description reveals that Kratos and Atreus will visit all Nine Realms as they seek out clues about a battle that could end the world. Further down on the page Sony shared a few more story details as well as a very brief tease of weapons and abilities. God of War: Ragnarok releases on November 9 for PS4 and PS5.
Rockstar currently has a huge list of job openings at its different studio locations. Rockstar New York is looking for a marketing manager for GTA Plus, the subscription service that launched for GTA Online back in March. Meanwhile Rockstar San Diego is looking for an associate designer for open world events. The rest of the list consists of all types of positions from animation to physics, mission design and more. So if you’ve ever dreamed of working for the dev, this might be the time to shoot your shot.
Today Nintendo revealed the game’s first free update and confirmed two more are headed to the game before the end of 2022. This first update arrives July 21 and features Daisy, a technique type whose super strike move involves her summoning flowers and launching the other team into the air. And Shy Guy, an all-rounder whose super strike can turn him into a spinning projectile. But that's not all, this free update also features a new knight themed gear set and the Desert Ruin stadium.