The details provided are few and very generic. The mystery game will be based on the characters, will be in third person and will be set in an original world, which is completely new. The fundamental idea is to give players the opportunity to experience adventures with friends. We will see how the good intentions are translated into gameplay.
Note that Richard Browne, the head of the Digital Extremes division that deals with external projects, has already worked with Joe Madureira (creative director) and Ryan Stefanelli ( president of Airship Syndicate) back in the days of the first Darksiders, so it's likely he was the one who bridged the two companies.
For the rest of the game, nothing else has been said. In the video that you can see in the news, short game sequences appear that show some details of the game, in particular the very colorful graphic style. We have to wait until December to have the complete presentation of the game.
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