Alexa's favorite movie is Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The voice assistant's favorite Italian actor seems to be Marco Giallini, with whom she is fascinated by the Roman accent. What would Alexa like to eat? "Pasta all'Amatriciana, I've heard about it very well!". And your favorite singer? The names returned are two, namely Tiziano Ferro and Mina. Alexa's favorite sports are two specialties such as tennis, synchronized swimming ("which combines elegance and technique, just like me ") and football (" one of the most loved games in Italy "). Dogs are Alexa's favorite animals, especially puppies. She doesn't want relationships with her client, if you ask her voice assistant to go out together she replies with a nice two of spades, “I like you as a friend.” He can sneeze: if he asks if he is able to sneeze she answers in the affirmative, seasoning everything with an “Etchiù”. She knows Siri (and other voice assistants)? The answer is very diplomatic "Just by hearsay", and if you ask what you think he says "I like all devices equipped with artificial intelligence." What does Alexa want to do when grown up? is articulated and a she has fascinating and very different jobs as an archaeologist, geologist, marine biologist, photographer, teacher, surgeon, nurse and also an actress. She has no intention of passing the Turing test which determines the sentient nature of a.i. she and she declares this by stating that she has no intention of pretending to be a human. But she doesn't define herself as a robot, but as "A Northern Lights, a wave of charged and multicolored photons dancing in the atmosphere". Where does Alexa live? The suggestive answer is "I am here and my mind is in the Cloud". Speaking of Alexa, one of the latest features shown is among the most disturbing as the voice assistant is able to mimic the voices of missing persons.