EA chief people officer Mala Singh said today, "I want to acknowledge the pain and the fear that our LGBTQ + community, especially the transgender one, is experiencing in light of emerging US legislation and continuing attacks on their human rights. "
" We will continue to strive for a safe workplace and supportive and, as a management team, we want to be clear about what we stand for: as a company, we are united in saying that trans rights are human rights. Women's rights are human rights. Our support is unconditional for our people, our players and our LGBTQ + communities ".
Electronic Arts Singh opened the post by clarifying his comments last week, stating that he did not intend to imply that the company was decreasing the sos I am committed to LGBTQ + rights. She then pointed out how the publisher has collaborated over the years with organizations such as ACLU, GLAAD and Human Rights Campaign. For the month of June, Singh has announced that EA will make a donation to these same nonprofits.
Finally, we would like to highlight an itch.io bundle dedicated to indie queer developers, with over 500 games.
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