Cities Skylines sells like hot cakes
Many think that city builder video games represent a market niche. To dispel this popular sentiment we thought Cities Skylines. The game of Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive has in fact reached the recent milestone of 12 million copies sold, becoming the de facto market leader of the games belonging to the genre.“City Builder! We are thrilled to celebrate 12 million copies sold and are proud to be the market leader of the genre. And all of this could not have been possible without you. A huge thank you to all our fans for your incredible support ", the words of the development team declared on social media, complete with a video created specifically to celebrate the number of copies sold.
City Builders! We're thrilled to celebrate this year's milestone of 12M copies sold & we're proud to be a market leader in the city-building genre, and we couldn't have done this without you!
A huge thank you to all of our fans for your continual support! pic.twitter.com/qoZLkfCZxF
- Cities: Skylines (@CitiesSkylines) June 22, 2022
It is difficult to understand what were the factors that drove this success. The presence of the title on multiple platforms may have contributed, but it is not enough. Behind this great milestone there were also other, important elements, starting from the support, with many DLCs and additional elements launched from the support. In addition, the presence of the title on Xbox Game Pass may have prompted a minority of players to purchase after trying it. Hypothesis of course, that it does not matter if they will find confirmation or not. What matters today is that developers can celebrate a title that has sold 12 million copies. And it is perhaps the most important data.
Cities: Skylines is one dollar
There’s a lot of Cities: Skylines DLC out there at this point, now that today’s reigning king of city-building games is seven years old. Have you ever thought to yourself, “hey, I should have all of that”? If so, today’s your lucky day. You can get the base game of Cities: Skylines for just one dollar, but thanks to the latest Humble bargain, you can get just about every piece of add-on content for super cheap, too.
The Cities: Skylines Colossal Collection uses Humble’s tiered system, setting different baseline donation levels for different-sized bundles. At the low end is Cities: Skylines itself, which is included with a donation of at least $1. Next is the five-item bundle, which weighs in at $5 – this includes Cities: Skylines, plus the deluxe edition upgrade pack, the Snowfall and After Dark expansions, and the Art Deco content creator pack.
At the $15 level, the bundle expands to include Natural Disasters, Mass Transit, Green Cities, All That Jazz, Concerts, the European Suburbia and High-Tech Buildings content creator packs, and the Rock City Radio and Relaxation Station add-ons.
At $20, you get 32 total items, which includes every expansion up through Sunset Harbor, plus 21 total add-on packs. The $20 bundle also includes a coupon for 20% off all of this year’s Cities: Skylines DLC, including the recent Airports expansion. Humble says the items have an individually-marked value of $257.
If you recently picked up Cities: Skylines during the week it was free on the Epic Games Store, don’t worry – you can redeem all this Cities: Skylines content on either Steam or Epic, with the exception of the 2022 DLC bundle, which can only be redeemed on Steam.
Proceeds from the bundle will benefit The Trevor Project and Charity: Water.