Amazon fights the "touts" of Ps5 and Xbox Series X
Amazon raises a new barrier against tech businessmen by introducing an invitation-only sales system for Ps5 and Xbox Series X or the two next-generation consoles that are still very difficult to find today given the shortage of stocks due to the lack of chips at the level global. It starts in the United States and then probably continues to the rest of the world, including Italy, with a solution that had been loudly requested for some time and that, perhaps with a little delay, finally tries to put a stop to action often. very difficult to thwart of bots and automated purchasing systems.The fight against the scalpers or the tech scalpers who buy devices with enormous demand and very little supply and then resell at inflated prices on secondary channels continues. In fact, a quick tour on eBay or on used sales portals such as Subito is enough to find numerous Ps5 and Xbox Series X listings at prices that easily reach double the price list. And while in Japan Sony uses systems perhaps not as elaborate as opening the boxes in front of the customer to avoid resale "as new", in the United States Amazon introduces the invitation to sell which was identified and displayed by TechCrunch. The operation is very simple: having ascertained the probable unavailability of the console, you can click on the "Request invitation" button and wait for your turn and when a new batch of Ps5 or Xbox Series X arrives in the Amazon warehouses you will receive an email informing you that you have 72 hours to complete the purchase.
A slightly different solution than the simple notification of availability seen so far since it is a sort of booking already used for some time on other sites, which aims to discourage real businessmen and to stop the action bots that manage to place an order practically in no time as soon as a new batch is put online. Certainly it is not a system that guarantees the total elimination of the phenomenon, but it can facilitate the task for those who are really interested in purchasing for personal use. All that remains is to wait for the PS5 and Xbox Series X invitation sales system to arrive in Italy as well as the direct sale of the consoles on the official Sony and Microsoft stores.
Amazon fights the 'touts' of Ps5 and Xbox Series X
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Amazon fights the 'touts' of Ps5 and Xbox Series Xhttp://www.bing.com:80/news/search?q=Amazon+fights+the+'touts'+of+Ps5+and+Xbox+Series+X&cc=us&format=RSSCopyright \xc2\xa9 2022 Microsoft. All rights reserved. These XML results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner or for any purpose other than rendering Bing results within an RSS aggregator for your personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of these results requires express written permission from Microsoft Corporation. By accessing this web page or using these results in any manner whatsoever, you agree to be bound by the foregoing restrictions.
Amazon takes on PS5 and Xbox scalpers with a new invite systemhttp://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=CFB6023796884A529C6E0B448574DECD&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.yahoo.com%2fnow%2famazon-ps5-xbox-series-x-scalpers-invite-order-161017540.html&c=3547153358412894358&mkt=en-usAmazon is trying to fend off scalpers and bots that snag all of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles before you can secure one. It's rolling out an invite-based ordering option for high-demand ...Thu, 02 Jun 2022 09:10:00 GMTYahoohttp://www.bing.com/th?id=OVFT.XS_WecmWXfzoiXYwyaCOQy&pid=Newsw={0}&h={1}&c=14700466
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