Age of Empires 4
Published in 2021, Age of Empires 4 will continue to update also in this 2022. In a long press release launched in the last few hours, Relic Entertainment has unveiled all the news that will arrive during seasons 2 and 3. Among the many anticipated news, we also find a completely new feature for multiplayer, which will join other new features that will see the light in the next few weeks, when the first of the two new seasons will be officially launched.Age of Empires 4 Age of Empires 4 Season 2 will officially start in July. Among the many new features coming, including the remapping of kei inputs, we also find the possibility of a map preference system. These innovations will also accompany the publication of a new game map, called The Pit. At the moment, however, details are scarce and Relic will be ready to reveal more over the next few weeks, probably close to the launch of the season, scheduled for July.| ); }
Finally, Relic Entertainment has also revealed some details of Season 3. At the moment there is no further information on this, beyond the introduction of new taunts. The development team said they were inspired by previous games in the series, but the goal remains to expand gameplay options even further for players to make it the largest game in the series. Continue to follow geekinco for all the news and announcements in the pipeline from the world of video games.
Age of Empires 4 season 2 adds map preference system in July
Relic Entertainment have further detailed the upcoming Age of Empires 4 season 2 and 3 roadmap, with timelines for several much-requested features including full hotkey remapping and a map preference system. The first details for season two of the RTS game were outlined in March, which has now been announced for July.
Along with fully remappable key inputs and the option to list your preferred maps to influence which locations you are more likely to see in ladder play, season two also brings a new map and a player colour picker. The latter of these means that you can now choose your empire’s fashion preferences before a skirmish in both single-player and multiplayer matches (including ranked games).
The Pit is the new map, and is said to be competitively focused with “a mostly open layout.” More details on that, and on the work that Relic has done to help resolve any hotkey conflicts, will be coming shortly.
Of course, this also means a new ranked season, along with new seasonal events and a selection of balance changes, which the team describes as “significant” but says will be detailed closer to the second season’s launch.
Relic also talks about its plans for season three, which is currently scheduled to introduce taunt functionality and cheats to the strategy game. The team says these are “heavily inspired by what you’ve seen and experienced in previous Age titles,” but that it’s looking to expand even more on the options on offer. It says the cheats on offer will be a mix of “functional and playful.”
Another recent patch allows Age of Empires 4 players to pick multiplayer map sizes. The game also saw recent nerfs to the Khans and mangonels.