Ubisoft + may soon arrive on Xbox Game Pass
Ubisoft + could be coming to Xbox Game Pass, at least that's what some believe after reading a tweet from the Dutch division of Ubisoft, which seems to point in that direction or, at least, suggests it, even if it is simply winked.Ubisoft + on Xbox Game Pass? The exchange from which this was born, which still remains an unconfirmed rumor, is quite explanatory. The UbisoftNL Twitter account has published a promotional post of Ubisoft +, under which the request for integration into the Xbox Game Pass has arrived. In this case though. instead of not receiving an answer, the user who did it received a smiley with his eyes to heart, which was seen by many as a kind of confirmation.
Of course it is not, but the speculations however, they started and there was talk of an announcement of the agreement during the next Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, or during an unannounced Ubisoft event, which could take place around the same time that E3 should have taken place. br>
Of course it is right to take everything with due caution, because in the end we are always talking about a smile and it may not mean what many would like it to mean. However it would be nice to see the Ubisoft + catalog added to the Xbox Game Pass catalog.
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Ubisoft+ may soon arrive on Xbox Game Pass, suggests Ubisoft’s Dutch division – Nerd4.life
Ubisoft + may be coming Xbox Game Passat least that’s what some think after reading a tweet from the Dutch division of Ubisoft, which seems to point in that direction or, at least, suggest it, even if it’s simply winked.
Ubisoft+ on Xbox Game Pass?The exchange from which this was born, which remains an unconfirmed rumor, is quite explanatory. The UbisoftNL Twitter account has published a promotional post for Ubisoft+, according to which the request for integration into Xbox Game Pass has arrived. In this case though. Instead of not receiving an answer, the user who did so received a smile with heart-shaped eyes, which many took as a form of confirmation.
Of course it isn’t, but speculation started anyway and there was talk of an announcement of the agreement during the upcoming Xbox and Bethesda Game Show, or during an unannounced show. Ubisoft Eventwhich could happen around the same time that E3 was supposed to be held.
Of course it’s right to take everything with caution, because in the end we’re always talking about a smile and it might not mean what many would like it to mean. However, it wouldn’t be bad to see the Ubisoft+ catalog added to the Xbox Game Pass catalog.
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