The Ppe portal has published a photo of a slide of the presentation of Tcl Technology in the occasion of a conference in Poland in which there seems to be a succulent anticipation of the future: summing up the recent evolutionary path of consoles from 2013 to 2020, therefore from the Xbox One and Ps4 to the current Ps5 and Xbox Series S / X, a reference could be glimpsed to the future and for now unknown generation 9.5, which concerns the mid-generation Ps5 Pro and New Xbox Series S / X with date 2023/24. At the hardware level, the new AMD Radeon RX 7700 XT platform is expected on board, capable of supporting a resolution of 60-120 frames per second at 4K, but also being able to reproduce content in 8K.
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How much credit can you give to Tcl Technology's forecast? Considering that Ps4 Pro and Xbox One S / X were made official in 2017, it may make sense to imagine that there will be a wait of about four years for the new bridge consoles. At the same time, however, it is inevitable to consider how the world has changed in the last three years, with the Covid-19 pandemic that has slowed down all sectors, weighing down logistics and postponing the original calendars by months. Even Apple is lagging behind on the production of at least one of the next iPhone 14 expected in September, due to the recent lockdown in Shanghai which also affected local manufacturing companies. However, TCL Technology has first produced smartphones, TVs and other devices on behalf of third parties for years and has recently been focusing heavily on its own brand and is in a privileged position of proximity to the assembly and supply lines of the tech segment and therefore it is not exposed lightly. All the more so given that a possible glimmer of hope comes from the news of the mass production of a renewed generation of chips that use new production processes and that could give a little oxygen to an offer much lower than demand, preparing the ground to the launch of new generations of products.