Overwatch 2
The Overwatch 2 PvP beta ended on May 17th. The trial version of the Blizzard shooter served both the players to discover the new game in the series, and the development team, which was able to collect a lot of data on different aspects of the title, in combination with the various feedbacks. Some of these statistics have been communicated in a new post on the official blog of the Irvine software house and one in particular is very interesting, as it explains which are the most used characters.Overwatch 2 According to the Blizzard press release, the players of the Overwatch 2 beta have used a lot of Sojourn, with a picking rate (or the choice) that is set at 80%. Nothing too strange: this is a new character and the beta was the perfect opportunity to try him out and get familiar with his play style before release. As for the reworked characters, Orisa was the most used, closely followed by Doomfist, Bastion and Sombra.
Overwatch 2 was announced in 2019 and at the moment the game doesn't have a release date yet. The title is expected on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X and of course PC. On June 16, 2022, the development team will unveil further news on the game, including how to access the next beta, which could go online in the summer months. Continue to follow geekinco for all the news and announcements in the pipeline from the world of video games.
Blizzard Reveals The Most-Played Characters In The Overwatch 2 Beta
Overwatch 2's first PvP beta just wrapped up on May 17, leaving the development team with a lot of data to sift through before the next beta begins. Now, Blizzard has shared some of that data in a blog post, revealing some interesting stats on hero usage rates, win rates, and the effects of recent buffs and nerfs.
The blog reveals that new Overwatch 2 damage hero Sojourn had a very high useage rate at the start of the beta, peaking at around 80%--meaning there was a Sojourn in both teams for over half of the gameplay time. As you might expect for a new character, the useage was incredibly high at the start of the beta, and then dropped off rapidly. Of the reworked characters, Orisa saw the highest useage, followed by Doomfist, then Bastion and Sombra.

Blizzard also shared a chart showing 'weighted' results, where the character useage rates are weighed against how many other heroes there are in the same role. This change in metrics dramatically reduces Ana's dominance in the original chart, while Sojourn and Orisa are shown to be clear outliers with high relative useage rates.

The post also goes into hero win rates, something the developers have to to consider when looking at potential balance changes for the upcoming sequel. The data is a lot more complicated than it looks, however, with the blog post explaining that new characters people are just learning to play will have generally lower win rates than heroes that players have been able to use since the original Overwatch first launched.
A series of charts look at how the beta's various patches affected win rates, showing that a balance patch pushed on May 5 immediately impacted adjusted characters' win rates, with Zenyatta receiving a big boost to wins, and Soldier 76 losing some of his dominance among damage heroes.
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The full post is worth a read for those interested in how Overwatch 2 is being developed. Fans should also keep an eye out for more news coming on June 16, including details on how to be a part of the next beta.
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