If we look to the competitive scenario of the streaming world, the live option is certainly not an unexplored path to date. For example, let's think that in Italy realities such as Amazon Prime Video broadcast Champions League matches live as well as other sporting events. In the United States, on the other hand, Disney + has experimented live broadcasting from the Oscars in recent months while the beloved program Dancing with the Stars (the overseas analogue of our Dancing with the Stars) will debut on the same platform, thus introducing classic and new interactive ways of voting are also assumed. As mentioned, however, Netflix would like to concentrate this live innovation above all on reality and comedy, imagining for example live episodes of its hit Selling Sunset or comedy shows transmitted precisely while they are physically taking place.
The shift towards live streaming comes at a difficult time for the Los Gatos-based company, given that recent estimates speak of a hemorrhage of 2 million subscribers. Increasing competition and ever-increasing costs for the production of ever new series are indeed a problem, and Netflix is considering other options such as the fight against password sharing and the introduction of subscriptions with advertising. Secure fee, commercials, direct: it is clear to many that what must have been the disruptive reality of the traditional television system must somehow be adapted and, to stem the losses, return to the reassuring elements that made up the good old TV linear.