Who is entitled to the € 200 bonus? How do you get the bonus? How is it delivered? When will the bonus arrive and how will it be financed? Who is entitled to the € 200 bonus? The recipients of the government measure are all retired people or female workers and workers, employees or self-employed, who receive an annual income of up to 35,000 euros gross. For a total audience of approximately 28 million households.
How do you get the bonus? The technical details are not yet known, as the official text of the Aid decree has not yet been published. However, according to the statements of the Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the Minister of Economy and Finance Daniele Franco, it will not be necessary to submit any application to obtain the bonus.
How is it paid? Based on what was said in the press conference by Draghi and Franco, the bonus will be paid automatically by INPS in pensions, while for workers and employees it will be directly employers who enter the bonus in the pay slip, which they will then be able to recover the 200 euros in the form of a tax deduction.
As for women and self-employed workers, on the other hand, Draghi and Franco talked about the creation of a special state fund, to which they will be able to access in a manner yet to be established and which will be communicated in the coming days.
When will the bonus arrive and how will it be financed? Support should arrive as early as July in pensions and pay slips. While the funds to finance it were not raised through a budget variance, but by increasing the tax on the extra-profits of energy companies, already introduced to finance other bonuses. It is therefore a redistributive measure, which brings the accumulations of capital of companies back into the pockets of taxpayers.