Spy x Family is the manga written and drawn by Tatsuya Endล published in Italy by the Planet Manga publishing house, whose eponymous animated adaptation landed on Crunchyroll on April 9 this year. Now, in Japan, the Chigai Grace Cafe located in Tokyo's Shibuya district, on the seventh floor of the Shibuya Modi entertainment complex, will host a fully dedicated Spy x Family pop-up bar, where staff will prepare drinks and foods suited to spies and to anime fans!
Regarding drinks, non-alcoholic cocktails have been created, such as Loid's Champagne-style Drink, Yor's Bloody Orange Juice or there is a drink reminiscent of Yuri's wine.| ); }
The bar will be open from June 2-19, but the Reservations can be made now through the official website, and for those who cannot physically go there, peace of mind, because part of the merchandising can also be ordered online by clicking here.
Are you a fan of Spy x Family? This bar is for you
Among the foods that cannot be missing in a bar dedicated to Spy x Family is the Mission Makeup Rice Omelet, which refers to the not too veiled suggestion of secret agent Loid to ask his daughter adoptive Anya to apologize to the arrogant classmate Damian. Then there are the Pancakes with Nuts so loved by little Anya covered with a pink cream and a biscuit topping and, to remind you that you must become an imperial student, there is the Stellar Parfait, studded with stars like the stars of merit assigned to students for excellent results at the prestigious Eden Academy where Anya is enrolled.Regarding drinks, non-alcoholic cocktails have been created, such as Loid's Champagne-style Drink, Yor's Bloody Orange Juice or there is a drink reminiscent of Yuri's wine.| ); }
The bar will be open from June 2-19, but the Reservations can be made now through the official website, and for those who cannot physically go there, peace of mind, because part of the merchandising can also be ordered online by clicking here.