Animal Crossing
If you really love Animal Crossing: New Horizons, we invite you to enjoy every single minute of the game. Yes, because as discovered by a Reddit user there won't really be a lot of time to take care of your Island and visit those of other players, since the title will only be usable by 2060.We are obviously kidding, but the fact is really curious. As reported on the popular internet board, in fact, Nintendo has decided to allocate a maximum number of years to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The user in question tried to enter the year 2061, but the game kindly asked to choose a date between January 1st 2000 and December 31st 2060. Given the accounts, fans of the game have just over 38 years and a few months left to be able to play it in complete tranquility. Clearly by resetting the console and inserting an earlier date it will also be possible to play it in 2061.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons debuted in 2020 and is the latest installment in the franchise. Over the next few years Nintendo could announce a new title in the series, especially given that support for the latter has stopped during 2021. The brand is still very important and we would not be surprised to see a future title of the franchise, perhaps launched. exclusively on a new console of the Kyoto giant. Speculations of course, which probably will not find confirmation soon, but in the future, most likely, yes. Keep following geekinco for all the news and announcements coming up.
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