Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is closer than we thought! Here is the release date

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is closer than we thought! Here is the release date

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was the flagship of the latest Nintendo Direct, presenting fans with an announcement trailer that made them scream for joy. The Monolith team has been able to build a large universe with a great appeal, and the saga has quickly become a real must play for fans of the JRPG genre. There was still a lot of information missing, but today Nintendo unveiled the release date of this great Switch exclusive.

Accompanying the release date of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has been released a new full-bodied game trailer, within which we can scrutinize new game scenes and new gameplay stages. Moreover, in almost three minutes of trailer, we can take a greater look at the world of Aionios, the new setting that will be the stage for the stories and adventures of the third chapter of this trilogy.

Step into the vast world of Aionios in # XenobladeChronicles3 sooner than expected, now coming to #NintendoSwitch on 7/29!

Check out the latest trailer to learn more about the game's story, characters , and strategic battle system, where you can team up with up to 7 characters! pic.twitter.com/u1SuQaOwpk

- Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) April 19, 2022

This new official information only fuels the enthusiasm in the comparisons of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, one of the greatest hits of this 2022 on Nintendo Switch.