Xbox Series X | S
From some rumors, which came to light during the XboxEra podcast, the hypothesis emerges that Microsoft has concluded an agreement to obtain priority in the manufacture of the chips necessary, in turn, for the production of the Xbox Series X and Series S consoles.If we look back on the last few months, in fact there have been periods in which the Series X, usually characterized by a certain degree of unavailability, is back in stock on various stores, without forgetting the launch of the Xbox Series X Halo Infinite Special Edition.
So, what was stated during the podcast could find some confirmation in reality. Apparently, during the month of April 2021, one of the hosts of the podcast would have received a message that Microsoft would increase the availability of consoles for the following fall. And indeed it was.
In recent years, we have witnessed a disastrous situation in the manufacturing of electronic components. The problem has affected almost all market sectors, from cars to mobile phones, although the vertical most affected (or which has triggered more debates) was that of information technology, in particular gaming, with stock problems both in the field of the two current gen consoles from Sony (PS5) and, in fact, Microsoft, but also and above all among video card manufacturers. The Nvidia Geforce RTX 3000 series was almost unobtainable from day one, with recommended price increases of up to 300%, if not more, and not even AMD was spared.
Amid chip shortages, supply problems of silicon and rare earths and the delays caused by the closure of Chinese factories due to the lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the last two years has been a real nightmare for anyone who decided to upgrade their gaming PC or console in the living room.
The hope is that the situation will recover soon in general and that, above all, prices begin to really return to actual ones.
Xbox Series X | S
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Xbox Series X|S can now control your TV's inputhttp://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=BA41596E61AC484EA2FDC758166ED9C5&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.windowscentral.com%2fxbox-series-x-s-can-now-control-your-tvs-input&c=7426855156729306995&mkt=en-usFollowing a recent update, the Xbox Series X, Series S, and One X can switch the input of your TV back to your console. The feature works through HDMI-CEC and should save you from the hassle of ...Thu, 07 Apr 2022 04:23:00 GMTWindows Centralhttp://www.bing.com/th?id=OVFT.-VQksyEhg1SZL11D50dGyS&pid=Newsw={0}&h={1}&c=14700525
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