Photo Credit: Christopher Getschmann Photography enthusiast maker Christopher Getchmann has well thought out designing not one, but two cameras with 3D printed cases and interchangeable lenses using a Raspberry Pi Zero W. Both use a Pi Camera V1 module to capture images and have integrated screens to see the subject in real time before taking the picture, while the supported lenses are M2 type. As far as the power supply is concerned, an 18,650 LiPo battery is used.
Photo Credit: Christopher Getschmann If you too are passionate about photography or just curious to take a look at these projects, Getchmann has made all the necessary files available on GitHub, while the models for 3D printing are been posted on its Volzo website. Today, we also talked about the new version of the Cooler Master Pi 40 case for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. Find more information in our dedicated article.