It was last February when Twitter first opened the downvote test experiment that added a new small icon next to those well known for comments, retweets and likes. An arrow pointing downwards that turns orange when you tap or click depending on whether you are using the smartphone app or the desktop browser.
The downvotes of Twitter's downvotes
The downvotes first appeared in the US on the computer side, but the social network had promised a gradual spread also in other geographical areas and on iOs and mobile platforms. Android and in fact in the past few hours the first reports have also arrived in Italy. To get the arrow down you need a little patience, as the feature will reach everyone in the next few days.
Twitter content This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.
Contrary to popular belief, Twitter downvotes don't just show that you don't like content like a post, they focus on replies. The idea of the social network is to understand which contents are considered of lower quality and less useful to contribute to a discussion, so as to favor those with the most likes and fewer down arrows in the chronology of the user who has expressed his liking and also of the other members. For this reason the downvote is not public, but remains private and will not be shared with the author of the content or on the page of those who clicked it. In short, a new tool for the wide audience of Twitter, which however has to deal with a particular not just that is the inappropriate use, for example in "raids" to make responses from organized user groups less visible.