As mentioned, currently there is not much information on the nature of the attack, but the first sources inside the each other informed us that it is most likely a ransomware. the attack was launched in the morning of today 23 March and the malware initially hit a few hundred computers, and then spread like wildfire throughout the network.
credits: unsplash.com
The scenario is therefore quite serious and could worsen further. Currently, the station ticket offices are offline and it is only possible to buy tickets online, while operations do not seem to have suffered serious problems, with the FS group being able to temporarily stem the problem to ensure the circulation of today's trains. However, the situation could worsen if not resolved in time and, in the worst case, our sources told us that the trains could even stop running.
The news came a few minutes ago and, for the moment, this is all the information we have. In the next few hours, we will monitor the situation and update the article with all the news.