Samsung originally chose the Z since "It intuitively communicates the idea of a fold while offering a dynamic and youthful feeling "and one would never have expected that only a few years later a simple letter of the alphabet could immediately bring to mind nefarious scenarios. Especially in countries geographically and historically close to Russia. Hence the decision to change the name, put into practice silently with the two latest generation models that have now become simply Samsung Galaxy Fold 3 and Galaxy Flip 3 in some Eastern European markets such as those of the two Baltic republics of Estonia and Latvia.
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On the official Estonian and Latvian Samsung websites the Z has disappeared as well as from the purchase packages and there are rumors suggesting that the name change can also reach the markets of the rest of Europe and overseas, with the Z gradually being erased from the various billboards and packaging. But these are only hypotheses and at the time of writing this article in Italy the Z is still present in all official channels. It cannot be ruled out that the change could come to us with the new generations expected shortly, without being retroactive.